It's really weird how sometimes you think for hours about a problem and still you couldn't find a solution.
and some other time you just sleep and Wallah! there it is the solution floating around in your head.

A little background on the ⬇ project .

Ever seen those hamberger menus? Yes, those stacked three lines, clicking on which reveals some type of navigation menu. I was always facinated by them, wondering how they work.

I started learning frontend back in December 2021. After learning HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP and working with BOOTSTRAP's NAVBAR COMPONENET, I tried implement my own version of the collapseing navbar. And boy it turned out ugly 😅
See it if you dont believe me → UGLY COLLAPSING NAVBAR

But then yesterday, more specifically 15th March 2022

I was looking at a figma tutorial about Designing an animated sidebar menu

And it clicked 🤯, I was doing it all wrong, by changing how I approache the navbar problem, I was able to create an even cooler navbar animation.

What? You dont believe me, after seeing my ugly navbar 😥,

Well then, go ahead and click on the 3 stacked lines on the top left of this page, GO ahead !🤔

Now do you believe me 😏.

Isn't this navbar cooolll! and preety 🤗

I still have a long way to go, and am really excited about the things I will be able to create when I master frontend 🤗 till then I am happy with this.

If you went through all my gibberish, Thank you visitor! 😊 Thanks for taking a portion of your time and giving it to me. I really appriciate this

And those who just came here for the Cool navbar Thank you too😋.

If you liked what you see, then please give a star to the repository! 😁

It will hep me show off in the interviews😅